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99% of the code that runs the instruNet systems is contained within one DLL file called "iNet32.dll" (click here for details). This file resides on the end user computer at the following location:

  64bit Windows OS Computer (32bit DLL runs under Wow64) :
      c: Windows \ SysWow64 \ iNet32.dll

  32bit Windows OS Computer:
      c: Windows \ System32 \ iNet32.dll

This file is installed automatically when one installs the instruNet software from a CD or the web. If you want to upgrade to the most recent iNet32.dll (e.g. 10MB file), without going through the full upgrade procedure, please implement the following steps:

  • Locate your existing iNet32.dll file with something like Windows Explorer.

    It resides at "c: Windows \ System32 \ iNet32.dll" on a 32bit Windows Computer; and "c: Windows \ SysWow64 \ iNet32.dll" on a 64bit Windows Computer.

    Right-click on this file, select Properties, and note the version number. Another way to see the version number of this dll file is to run instruNet World software and select About under the Help menu. All i4xx Cards require version ≥ 3.0 and all i60x products require version ≥ v3.7.
  • Visit web URL https://instrunet.com/ftp/dll/
  • You will see compressed .zip file(s) that can be de-compressed using the popular WinZip software program. The version number is noted in the file name (e.g. "iNet32_v3-5-2.zip" is version 3.5.2). If you see a version number here that is newer than what exists on your computer, then please proceed; otherwise you are currently up to date.
  • Right-Click on the .zip file and select "Save As" or "Save Target As". This will copy the file to your computer's hard disk. Alternatively, if you drag the file from the internet window, it might copy a link to the file instead of the actual file; therefore Right-Clicking is safer.
  • After copying, decompress with a software program such as WinZip.
  • Exit any instruNet software that you might be running (e.g. "instruNet World").
  • Rename your old "iNet32.dll" file to something different (e.g. "iNet32, older ver X-Y.dll").
  • Copy the new iNet32.dll file to the same directory as your old iNet32.dll. The computer will use the file with the name "iNet32.dll", and the renamed file will be ignored. If you want to switch back to the old file, then rename (again) the old file to"iNet32.dll", and give the new file a different name.
  • Run instruNet World to test the new DLL. To see what version you are running, select About in the Help menu.
  • If you are on a 64bit Windows computer and are working with LabVIEW64, MatLab64, Origin64, or a 64bit native end user C/VB program; then you need to update the 64bit native version of the instruNet DLL file, described here:
    • Visit web URL https://instrunet.com/ftp/dll_64bit_native/.
    • Download file "iNet32_64bitNative...zip" and unzip.
    • Place here on 64bit Windows OS computer:
           c: Windows \ System32 \ iNet32.dll
    • The 32bit and 64bit-native versions of iNet32.dll are functionally the same. The only difference is the 64bit native version connects to 64bit native application software (e.g. LabVIEW64, MatLab64). The instruNet World program uses the 32bit version (i.e. it is compatible with all computers). For more details, click here.